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Implementing on the Server

Now that we've got a config defined in common/ for a GPT, we need to implement parts of it on the server.

Where do Server Implementations go?

Implementations should be written in server/src/game-implementations/games/GAMENAME.ts.

Once you have written a config, go to server/src/game-implementations/game-implementations.ts and import it. Mount the game configuration on GPT_SERVER_IMPLEMENTATIONS.


Any metrics you declared as being chartSpecificMax: true in the config need an implementation here. You can declare a function that takes in the metric's value and the chart the score is on and validate accordingly.

These functions should return a string on error, and true on success. This is aligned with how Prudence works, so you can re-use prudence functions here.


musicRate: (rate, chart) => {
    switch (chart.difficulty) {
        case "BSC":
        case "ADV":
        case "EXT":
            return p.isBetween(0, 100)(rate);

        case "HARD BSC":
        case "HARD ADV":
        case "HARD EXT":
            return p.isBetween(0, 120)(rate);


Any derived metrics you declared need derivers implemented here. This is a function that takes in the provided metrics and the chart for this score and should return the metric value we expect.


percent: (metrics, chart) => (100 * metrics.score) / ( * 2);

scoreCalcs, sessionCalcs, profileCalcs

For any {score, session, profile}RatingAlgs you defined, implement them here.


For all the classes you declared with type: "DERIVED", implement the derivers here.


When creating a goal on a metric, how should we format the title?

Get a score of 1234 on 5.1.1 SP ANOTHER
this bit


When creating a goal on a metric, how should we format the "outOf" part?

  this bit


How should we format the progress of this goal?

             this bit


How should we combine scores into one PB? There is an extraordinarily useful helper function for this called CreatePBMergeFor.

The way PBs are merged works like a chain: the first score is the best score this user has on this chart for the defaultMetric declared in the config. Then, every merge function defined in this pipeline is ran on the score and mutates the original.

Eventually, you have a fully merged PB document.

The below code defines a PB merger that gets the largest lamp. It will then run the final function with the base score and the score it just fetched.

In the event it doesn't find a score (i.e. the user has no scores with optional.bp) the function will simply not be called.

    CreatePBMergeFor("largest", "enumIndexes.lamp", "Best Lamp", (base, lamp) => {
        base.scoreData.lamp = lamp.scoreData.lamp;

        base.scoreData.optional.gsmEasy = lamp.scoreData.optional.gsmEasy;
        base.scoreData.optional.gsmNormal = lamp.scoreData.optional.gsmNormal;
        base.scoreData.optional.gsmHard = lamp.scoreData.optional.gsmHard;
        base.scoreData.optional.gsmEXHard = lamp.scoreData.optional.gsmEXHard;

        base.scoreData.optional.gauge = lamp.scoreData.optional.gauge;
        base.scoreData.optional.gaugeHistory = lamp.scoreData.optional.gaugeHistory;

        base.scoreData.optional.comboBreak = lamp.scoreData.optional.comboBreak;
    CreatePBMergeFor("smallest", "optional.bp", "Lowest BP", (base, bp) => {
        base.scoreData.optional.bp = bp.scoreData.optional.bp;


As mentioned above, the chain of PB functions starts by plucking the best score this user has on this chart under the defaultMetric. What should we call that score?


For IIDX, this is "Best Score". For something like GITADORA, which only has percent, this might be called "Best Percent".


Out of the box, Tachi will assume complete independence of all variables in a score. However, this is often not the case, and there are certain things you expect to be true between the metrics of a score.

For example, you shouldn't be able to submit a PERFECT ULTIMATE CHAIN if your score isn't 10 million - the two imply eachother!

In this part of the server implementation, you may specify as many validation functions as you like. These assert relations between the fields on a score, and allow you to restrict certain things.

Like real life, passing judgements subjects you to more scrutiny -- getting a FULL COMBO with misses should likely fail a validation function.

That's it!

The only thing left is to define the Client Implementation!