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File/Folder Organisation

tachi-server has a specific setup of files and folders to ensure that code is at where it's most sensible.


This documentation is a rough guide for where to place files if you are writing a new file, or where to look for certain functionality.

It is not a comprehensive tutorial for every file in the repo, as that would be a pain to keep updated.

Top Level

All of these are at the root level of the project.


All of the server TypeScript code goes here.



This folder is gitignored.

When compiled, tsc will output the JS code here.


Various scripts for interacting with tachi-server, such as single-use scripts for importing some data, or frequently used scripts such as updating BMS tables.


The scripts in here are not regularly maintained, especially the ones inside single-use. You should ABSOLUTELY NOT run those if you do not know what they do.

Seriously, you could destroy your server.

TypeScript Source Code

All of these are inside /src.


Some of tachi-server's code interacts with datasets that aren't worth putting into MongoDB, such as splash text.

This is mainly for things where we want to randomly select from the list, and not perform any serious lookups - which is why it's a good fit for splash text/automatic session names.


Selecting a random element from an entire collection in MongoDB is relatively expensive, and would quadruple the time an import takes.


TypeScript does not support copying over non-code files.

You can use cp in post to move files around, or place the data in memory, either is fine.


Code relating to the "external" applications for tachi-server, such as MongoDB and Redis.


Sets of code for tachi-server functionality. This is the main important part of the codebase for handling things like score imports, logging, and more.


This contains the express application that tachi-server uses in order to be a server.

This contains our API, IR implementations and a way of serving our PWA.


Tachi's tests need mocks and some specialised code in order to work well. This folder contains all of those things.


NOTHING from this folder should be ran in production.


Small utilities for interacting with Tachi, such as functions that retrieve a user given certain params.

This also contains utilities for handling song/chart database lookups - such as looking up on BMS hash.

Express Server

All of the below folders are under /src/server.

As mentioned above, Tachi stores the routing for our APIs and IR implementations here.


This contains the middleware we use for the server, such as authentication middleware and such.


This contains the actual 'routes' for our server.

The folders here MUST be 1:1 with the endpoints on the server. For example, the implementation of

MUST be found at src/server/router/api/v1/foo/bar/router.ts

Router Files

The only files allowed to declare endpoints are router.ts files.

This allows us to seperate functionality from API structure in cases where an API call needs to do a lot of things.

Test Files

This documentation has been moved to its own page!