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Tachi Rules

To ensure that the score tracker stays accurate, and everyone has a nice time, Tachi enforces some rules.

R1: You MUST NOT deliberately fake score submissions to Tachi.

The punishment for this is an instant, permanent IP ban.

Accidentally making a mistake in score submission (somehow) that results in invalid scores ending up on your profile is OK, but if they repeatedly happen in your favour, you may be warned.


Cheating on Tachi is very easy. With a basic amount of programming knowledge you could fake scores.

There is no anti-cheat in this regard, and this is deliberately so.

As such, this rule is enforced incredibly strictly.

You do not get a second chance. If you fake scores, you revoke all access to the tracker.

R2: You MUST NOT play on invalid input devices.

Games on Tachi have specific requirements for what kind of setups are 'legitimate'. That means that you MUST NOT submit scores on input devices that aren't fair for that game, such as playing pop'n on a keyboard.

This is to keep everyone on a level playing field.

The valid input devices are listed below.


Game Devices Justifications
beatmania IIDX Any Beatmania Controller or Cabinet Keyboard is not marked as legitimate for beatmania IIDX play (such as on INFINITAS).
MÚSECA Cabinet
maimai Cabinet
jubeat Cabinet & Any AC-Size Controller
pop'n music Any AC-Size Pop'n Controller or Cabinet Keyboard is not allowed, and neither is smaller-sized pop'n controllers, as they give significant advantages (such as on lively)
SOUND VOLTEX Any AC-Size SDVX Controller Or Cabinet Keyboard is not allowed, as it is significantly different from controller play. Pocket Voltexes are not allowed either, as they are similarly different.
DDR Any reasonable Pad There are lots of DDR pads, as long as it has four panels and you have to step on it, it's probably fine. Keyboard play is not allowed for obvious reasons.
GITADORA (Dora) Any reasonable Drum Kit There are lots of drum kits. Use common-sense. Keyboard play is not allowed for obvious reasons.
GITADORA (Gita) Any reasonable Guitar That just means no keyboard play, really.1
CHUNITHM Cabinet, Any AC-Size Controller Keyboard play is not allowed, etc.


Game Devices Justifications
unnamed_sdvx_clone (Controller) Any Arcade Size Controller The controller leaderboards are exclusively for Arcade SIZE controllers. POCKET VOLTEXES DO NOT COUNT AS ARCADE SIZE CONTROLLERS.
unnamed_sdvx_clone (Keyboard) Keyboard The keyboard leaderboards are exclusively for keyboard players. You must not play on these leaderboards with a controller!
PMS (Controller) Any Arcade Size Controller The controller leaderboards are exclusively for Arcade SIZE controllers. MINI POP'N CONTROLLERS DO NOT COUNT AS ARCADE SIZE CONTROLLERS.
PMS (Keyboard) Keyboard The keyboard leaderboards are exclusively for keyboard players. You must not play on these leaderboards with a controller!
ITG (Stamina) Standard Pad Any pad that you step on with your feet is probably fine. DO NOT SUBMIT KEYBOARD SCORES.
BMS (7K) Anything Do whatever.
BMS (14K) Anything Do Whatever.


As always though, exercise some common sense. I'm not going to whitelist controllers on here, because that's asking for trouble. Use your head as for whether something is fair or not, and if you're not certain still, ask in the discord.

R3: You are only allowed one account.

Do not make multiple accounts, we track account IPs and it lets us know. This is to keep the leaderboards fair and avoid one player from taking up multiple spaces.

R4: Keep things appropriate

Don't set your profile picture or banner or whatnot to something inappropriate.

Kids use this website to track their scores too! Don't be a creep.

Similarly, try and keep session names and about me's and whatnot appropriate.

In general, just don't be an ass.

R4: Use Common Sense.

This list of rules isn't exhaustive, and staff reserve the right to ban you at any time for any reason. You should use common sense.

Finding loopholes in the above rules, or not-explicitly excluded things does not mean that you can do it.

For example, the previous rule did not explicitly exclude setting your profile picture to a GIF designed to invoke epileptic seizures, but common sense tells you you shouldn't do that.

  1. Gitadora AC guitars have a significantly heavier strum bar than things like Guitar Hero Guitars. I don't play Gita enough to know whether this is a fair comparison or not. If it isn't, let me know.